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Health Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:37 am
by sunnyhouselife
The health benefits of lavender essential oil include its ability to remove nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect scalp and skin, enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems. Lavender has the Latin name Lavare, which means “to wash”, due to its aroma which fills a room spread with lavender oil with a clean aroma.

[url-]Lavender [/url]oil is extracted mostly from the flowers of the plant, primarily through steam distillation. The flowers of lavender are fragrant in nature and have been used for making potpourris since years.

Lavender essential oil has been traditionally used in making perfumes due to its aroma. The oil is very useful in aromatherapy and many aromatic preparations are made using lavender oil. Lavender oil blends well with many other essential oils including cedarwood, pine, clary sage, geranium, and nutmeg. Today, lavender essential oil is used in various forms including aromatherapy oil, gels, infusion, lotion, and soaps.