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7 few quick facts about Argon Gas

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:54 am
by bejoy
Argon is the 3rd noble gas, in period 8(p-block) of Periodic table, it makes up about 1 per cent of the Earth's atmosphere.
The solubility of Argon is approximately the same solubility as oxygen has. It is 2.5 times as soluble as nitrogen in water. The name "argon" is derived from the Greek word ?Ïγ?ν, meaning "lazy" or "inactive".

History of argon gas

In 1785, Argon was suspected to be the component of air by Henry Cavendish.

But in 1894, Argon was first isolated from air at London University College, by William Ramsay and Rayleigh by detaching carbon dioxide, oxygen water and nitrogen from a sample of air.

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