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Unit conversions (electrical)

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 10:24 am
by Dhamnekar Winod
Mobile specifications:
Battery power ratings: 2milli amp hours.

Lithium battery energy content : 3.7 watt hours

Now 3.7 watt hours means 13320 Joules or 3.7 volt amp hours , while 0.002 Amp hours means 1Amp per 7.2 seconds. Now how does we can relate both the specifications?

Re: Unit conversions (electrical)

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:30 pm
by ChenBeier
All nonsense

1 J = Nm =1 Ws = 1 VAs

3,7 Watt is power not not work, the time is missing
13320 J is 13320 VAs = 3,7 VAh
The Charge is 7,2 * 10^-3 Ah, if the voltage is known then the work can be calculated.