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Electrochemistry question

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 9:44 am
by Dhamnekar Winod
A metal cup of surface area \(200. cm^2\) needs to be electroplated with silver to a thickness of 0.200 mm. The density of silver is \(1.05 \times 10^4 \)kg m⁻³.The mass of a silver ion is \( 1 .79 \times\) 10⁻²⁵ kg and the charge is the same magnitude as that on an electron. How long does the cup need to be in the electrolytic tank if a current of 12.5 A is being used?

Any chemistry help will be accepted. I am working on this question.

Re: Electrochemistry question

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:27 am
by ChenBeier
m = I*t*M(Ag)/(n*F)
m = Rho*V
V = th* A
Rho*th*A = I*t*M(Ag)/(n*F)
t= Rho*th*A* n*F/(I*M(Ag))

m= mass, I = current, t= time, M(Ag) molar mass of silver, n= amount of electrons to Transfer, F Faradyconstant, Rho = specific gravity of silver, th = thickness of plated silver, A = surface of cup

Re: Electrochemistry question

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 12:25 am
by Dhamnekar Winod
The volume of silver that gets electroplated is 0.00000400 m³.
The mass of silver that gets electroplated is 0.00000400 m³ × 1.05 × 10⁴ kg m⁻³=0.042 kg.

The molar mass of silver= 107.8682 g/mol , so moles of silver 42 g/107.87 g = 0.38935756 mole of silver.

Hence, moles of electrons required Ag ⁺ (aq) + e ⁺→ Ag(s), so 0.38935756 mole of silver requires 0.38935756 mole of electrons.

If i plugged in these values in your formula answer is \(t= \frac{42 g \times 0.38935756 mol e^- \times 96485 C/mol} {12. 5 C/ s \times 107.87 g} = 1170.165 \) seconds

But the correct answer given is 3005 seconds ~ 50 mins approx.

How and why does the answer using your formula differ from the given answer?

What is wrong here?

Re: Electrochemistry question

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 12:57 am
by ChenBeier
You devided two times by the molar mass.
If you calculated n = m/M then you cannot do the thing twices.

Re: Electrochemistry question

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 9:50 am
by Dhamnekar Winod
t= n*F/I , n= number of moles of electrons required, F= Faraday constant, I= current in Ampere or Coulombs/second.

t=(0.38935756 Moles* 96485 C)/12.5 C/s = 3005.37 seconds, or 50 minutes approx.

Re: Electrochemistry question

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:12 am
by ChenBeier
Yes, now its correct.